An C++ implemented Neural Network

This is a C++ implemented, a simple implementation of Multi-Layer Perception (MLP), it is enclosed so that we can use it in the same way of using Pytorch.

Here is a simple example:

int main()
// training data
std::vector<double> inputs = {2.0, 3.0, -1.0};
std::vector<double> targets = {1.0};
// construct mlp
size_t num_inputs = inputs.size();
std::vector<size_t> num_outputs{4, 4, 1};
MLP mlp(num_inputs, num_outputs);
// configure training parameters
size_t iters = 20;
double lr = 0.01;
for (size_t iter = 0; iter < iters; iter++)
// forward pass
const std::vector<Variable> &predictions = mlp.forward(inputs);
// compute and record loss
Variable loss = MSELoss(predictions, targets);
fmt::format("Iteration: {}. Loss: {}", iter, loss.value()));
// zero gradient
for (auto &parameter : mlp.mutable_parameters())
// set gradient in order to back propagate
// backward
// update values
for (auto &parameter : mlp.mutable_parameters())
return 0;

for more details, see app/


To use the repository, first clone the repository:

git clone

Then, go to the repository folder:

cd TinyNeuralNetwork

now, we need to build the targets:

make prepare

Example use

To see the output of a simple example, build and run main:

cd build
cmake -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE=Release ..
cmake --build . --config Release --target main
cd app

The first time to compile may take a long time, be patient!


Since the forward process and backward process are asynchronous, it is necessary for us to remember what happened before, this project uses a special class Variable, which has a special member _backward of function type to determine the behavior of backward process. In other words, Variable class passes gradient related information during backward process.


[ ] support batch inputs.
[ ] support convolution neural networks.
[ ] support more loss functions.
[ ] memory use efficiency.


  1. This project is inspired by lectures given by Andrej Karpathy, here is the video link, and the corresponding Github Repository.
  2. This project uses the template provided by CppProjectTemplate.
  3. The documentation is generated with the help of Doxygen.