Given a matrix, find the minimum falling path sum from top to bottom, with no two adjacent rows sharing the same column.
Same as the previous version, we only change the update formula.
We use dp[i][j]
to represent the minimum falling path sum that ends with grid[i][j]
. The update rules is then given by
$$ dp[i][j] = \min_{k=1,\dots,n,k\neq j}(grid[i][j] + dp[i - 1][k]) $$
- Time complexity: We need to iterate all elements of the matrix once, and each iterate requires to iterate its last row once, which is $O(n)$. This can be reduced to $O(n^2\log n)$ by compute the smallest, second smallest elements of the last row.
- Space complexity: the
matrix is of size $n\times n$. This can be reduced to $O(n)$ by use a $n\times 2$ matrix since each row only relates to its last row.