Given a string consisting of lower-case characters, find the longest subsequence such that the distance between adjacent characters in the subsequence are less than a given threshold.
Same as the longest increasing subsequence, we can use dynamic programming to solve this problem.
We use dp[i]
to represent the longest ideal subsequence that ended with s[i - 1]
. We then update the dp[i]
with the property of ideal subsequence:
$$ dp[i] = \max_{j=1,\dots,i-1, \mathrm{abs}(s[i - 1]-s[j - 1])\leq k}(dp[i],\ dp[j] + 1) ,\ i=1,\dots,n$$
However, it turns out that the above solution is of complexity $O(n^2)$, which leads to Time Exceed Limit, so we need to optimize it.
Now, consider the property of ideal sequence, we only care about those characters that is within the range (s[i - 1] - k, s[i - 1] + k)
. So, we can use a map record
, whose key is all lowercase characters, to remember the result that is used to update dp[i]
, that is, for given index i
$$ record[l] = \max_{j=1,\dots,i - 1, s[j] - ‘a’ = l}dp[j] $$
in this way, we have
$$ dp[i] = \max_{\mathrm{abs}((s[i]-‘a’) - l)\leq k}(dp[i],\ record[l] + 1),\ i=1,\dots,n $$
notice that len(record)=26
, so the complexity now reduces to $O(n)$.
Time complexity: iterate all characters once, each iteration queries
at most $26$ times. $$O(n)$$Space complexity: stores the
array, can be optimized to $O(1)$ by updateresult
at each iteration. $$O(n)$$